Suicide Squad Case Files Vol. 2 TPB
Suicide Squad Case Files Vol. 2 TPB
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Title: "The Secret Origin of the Suicide Squad"
Pages: 38

Suicide Squad (Post-Crisis)

Writer: John Ostrander
Penciller: Luke McDonnell
Inker: David Hunt
Letterer: Albert Tobias De Guzman
Colorist: Carl Gafford

Reprinted From:
Secret Origins #14 (1987)

Feature Character(s)

Guest Star(s)

Supporting Character(s)

Guest Appearance(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Ronald Reagan (last appearance in Captain Atom #2; next appearance in Flash #4)
  • Sharon Race (Rick Flag's mother; in flashback; no further appearances)
  • Harry S. Truman (in flashback; last appearance in Action Comics Weekly #631; no further appearances)
  • Control (in flashback; head of O.S.S.; next appearance in Blackhawk Special #1)
  • Joseph Waller, Joe Jr., Damita, Martin, Jesse, and Coretta (in flashback; Amanda's husband and children; no further appearances)
  • Marvin Collins (a congressman; in flashback; no further appearances)

Flashback Appearance(s)

Cameo Appearance(s)

This issue is labeled: "Legends Spin-Off Chapter 22".

Wonder Woman is inaccurately depicted at the disbanding of the JSA. In the post-Crisis reality, Wonder Woman did not travel into the Man's World until much later. Continuity would later be revised inserting Hippolyta as a World War II, Wonder Woman. However, this story takes place before that change, making her appearance here an error.

Amanda Waller petitions President Reagan to continue the Suicide Squad. Sarge Steel argues that possible exposure makes the unit a high risk. Waller provides Reagan with files detailing the history of Task Force X.

The unit was formed during World War II as Rick Montgomery Flag was enlisted to lead a group of misfit soldiers in battle on Dinosaur Island. After the war Flag married Sharon Race, while Truman approved the Squad for continued action in the absence of the disbanded JSA. The Suicide Squad was effective, but Flag and Race both suffered early deaths.

Flag's son, Rick Rogers Flag joined the military and became a pilot alongside Ace Morgan. He was recruited to form a new Suicide Squad with Karin Grace, Jess Bright, and Dr. Hugh Evans. After the latter two men died, Karin suffered a breakdown. Rick was then covertly inserted as a member of the Forgotten Heroes to solve a mystery involving several golden temples.

Waller also provides Reagan with a file concerning her own background. She raised a large family in a poverty stricken neighborhood. When two of her children met violent deaths, she entered college, then helped Marvin Collins earn a congressional seat. Her work as his aide earned her the political influence to reform the Suicide Squad.

Reagan agrees to allow Waller to continue using super-villains as members of the new Suicide Squad. Waller leaves the meeting to inform Flag that their work will continue.

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