Mike's Amazing World of DC History

Mike's Amazing World of DC History is an internet radio show that covers the history of DC Comics starting from the very beginning in 1935. Mike explores the stories, backgrounds on the creators, and developments within the company and industry. Mike also provides some personal tidbits about his DC Comics collection.

Posted: Friday October 13, 2017

The New Detective Comics, Inc. - There's No Stopping Us Now

This lost episode of Mike's Amazing World of DC History was prepared over a year ago. It is finally finished and ready for listening.

In this episode Mike, from Mike's Amazing World of Comics discusses the new influx of talent that joined Detective Comics following the departure of company founder Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson.

Artists profiled include:

Also featured is a look around the comics industry as it existed in 1938.

Strap yourself in for some information about old-time goodies.

Posted: Monday January 11, 2016

Mike's Amazing World Salutes THE MAJOR

On this, the 81st anniversary of the first ever comic published by the company later known as DC Comics. Mike's Amazing World of DC History returns with a salute to the company founder Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson.

In this episode Mike covers the final year of Nicholson's reign with strips including:

Plus Mike delivers a recap of Nicholson's life both inside and outside of comics.

Posted: Sunday July 19, 2015

The Riddle of the Runaway Collection (Part 1)

Mike returns after a long hiatus. In this episode, Mike's exploration of DC history is interrupted by some surprising events.

This episode is unlike anything you've ever heard before. Don't miss it.

Posted: Sunday October 12, 2014

The Freshmen of 1937

In this episode Mike's Amazing World of DC History examines the comic book creators who made their debut in the year 1937.

Foremost among these men was Gardner Fox, the founding father of the DC Multiverse.

Other Artists include:

Also don't miss the story of DC's very first variant cover. (Main Cover)

Posted: Saturday September 6, 2014

DC 100-Minute* Siegel and Shuster Super Summer Spectacular

All right stop, collaborate and listen, Mike is back with my brand new invention.

That's right! Just when you thought the world was safe from all those dusty old Golden Age comics, Mike returns with another episode delving into the world of the comics in the days before Superman existed. Well, at least before his adventures ever saw print.

This episode focuses on the other features written and drawn by the Man of Steel's creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, a couple of Cleveland kids.

Features covered will be:

Download this one now!

*NOTE: 100-Minutes represents net weight before cooking/editing. Actual running time is about an hour.

Posted: Monday May 12, 2014

Special Episode: The DC History of Mike's Amazing World

In this episode, Mike breaks out of the standard format and talks about the origins of his DC addiction.

Find out what role Star Wars played in the development. Mike talks about the toys, the trading cards, and the comics.

What is the story behind Fonzie's missing boot?

Why does Mike credit IDW guy Dirk Wood with inspiring his collecting quest?

What role did Donny Osmond play in Mike's super-hero preferences?

Plus some history on Gold Key and the comics distribution system.

Check it out.

Posted: Saturday March 22, 2014

It's time for another episode of Mike's Amazing World of DC History. This time Mike tackles Detective Comics #1, the comic from which DC gets its name.

There are many firsts covered in this issue including: the first black comic book artist E.C. Stoner, the first use of a splash page, the first sidekick Shorty Morgan, and the first appearance of Earth-1.

Also discussed are the questionable origins of marketing icon Mr. Peanut, a dispute over art credits, and the formation of Detective Comics, Inc.

More samples:

Plus the debut of two Siegel and Shuster features that lay the foundation for the Man of Steel: Bart Regan, Spy and Slam Bradley.

Download this episode now. It's swelegant!

Posted: Friday March 7, 2014

1936 Part 2 of 2

In this episode of Mike's Amazing World of DC History, Mike attempts to answer the questions that inquiring minds want to know:

Plus as an added bonus, DC goes gangsta, 1936 style.

Here are some samples for your enjoyment:

Need More... How about a meeting between Sheldon "Scribbly" Mayer and Walt "Pogo" Kelly and the story behind a premature house ad?

Don't wait for the Major to pay you. Download this episode now!

Posted: Saturday February 8, 2014

1936 Part 1 of 2

In this episode, Mike follows the progression of early DC comics and features from 1936. Siegel and Shuster launch another new feature called Federal Men and Doctor Occult gets a costume. Several creators get their start: Hal Sherman, Homer Fleming, Russell Cole, and Creig Flessel. Learn about the first comic creator romance, an odd production error, and some fan art that leads to a career in comics.

Here are some sample pages of stories covered in this episode.

Plus some additional discussion about release dates.

"DC Release Dates" published in 2006

"Secrets to DC Cover Dates" published in 2004

Posted: Tuesday December 10, 2013

Here it is! The big podcast devoted to fun comics from the 1930s. This episode focuses on DC's second title New Comics, the series that would one day become Adventure Comics. Lots of artists are profiled including Sheldon Mayer, Sven Elven, Robert Leffingwell, Raymond Burley, Fred Schwab, Rolland Livingstone, Al Stahl, Ellis Edwards, and the first female artist in comics Emma McKean. Plus new strips from returning artists Vin Sullivan, Whit Ellsworth, Tom Cooper, Leo O'Mealia, and Henry Kiefer.

Strips from this episode include:

Plus features:

Would you like a Shirley Temple doll for Christmas? Check out this ad.

Alert! Disney fans don't miss the last few minutes when I talk about a famous creator who worked on classic animated films. Here's some of his work.

Posted: Friday November 8, 2013

It all starts here! Two of the biggest moments in early comic history are covered in this bonus length episode of Mike's Amazing World of DC History. The first strips by comic greats, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, Henri Duval and Doctor Occult (2). Plus the first appearance of the DC UNIVERSE.

Want more? You got it. Also in this episode you'll get:

So, prepare yourself for another journey back to a time when comic books were still in their infancy. Come and get it!

Posted: Friday October 11, 2013

It's time for another fact filled extravaganza. Join Mike from Mike's Amazing World of Comics as he covers a variety of features from the earliest days of DC Comics. In this episode you'll travel back in time with Bobby and Binks using the Magic Crystal of History, explore the American frontier with Buckskin Jim (more 1 2), be bored silly by Ivanhoe, giggle with Pelion and Ossa (more), discover text stories such as Spook Ranch, and fall in love with Little Linda. All this and more can be found in this episode of Mike's Amazing World of DC History.

Posted: Wednesday September 4, 2013

School is back in session. Time to get schooled on a fun topic, comic book history. Mike from Mike's Amazing World of Comics brings you another episode about the early days of DC comics. In this episode you'll learn about "The Insult That Made a Man Out of Mac". Also discussed are Loco Luke, Jack Andrews, and Wing Brady. Does anyone remember him from the Brady Bunch? All this and more can be found in this episode of Mike's Amazing World of DC History.

Posted: Friday August 23, 2013

Mike is back with another episode of 1930s comic book fun. Explore the dawn of the comic book era before the landscape became littered with super-heroes. This time out, Mike talks about DC's very first licensed property, DC's first multi-media spinoff (maybe?), and a Dr. Fu Manchu ripoff.

Here's some reference material to wet your whistle:

DC's first action hero, Barry O'Neill - New Fun #1 by Lawrence Lariar. Compared to the same story in Atomic Comics #1, Page 1, Page 2, by unknown artist.

Classic Barry from More Fun #24 by Leo O'Mealia, Page 1, Page 2

Oswald the Rabbit - 1 2 3

Read Bubby and Beevil then check out the Sunshine Makers cartoon.

All this, plus listener feedback!

Come and get it.

Posted: Monday August 5, 2013

Mike is back for another episode covering the early days of DC comics history. Did you ever want to know about the comics that were around before Superman debuted? Find out about three DC features in this episode:

Who was the first lady of DC? No, it wasn't Wonder Woman. It was Sandra of the Secret Service! She had her own feature in DC's first ever comic, New Fun #1. Not only that but she held the lead spot in nearly every issue. You go, girl!

Here are some pages from Sandra's first adventure. These are color versions of Sandra's first two appearances that were reprinted in Bingo Comics (1945).

Episode #1 - Page 1, Page 2 and Episode #2 - Page 1, Page 2

Also in this episode, DC's earliest science fiction strips: Don Drake on Planet Saro and Super-Police.

Posted: Monday July 29, 2013

It's the inaugural episode of Mike's Amazing World of DC History. Join Mike from Mike's Amazing World of Comics as he takes a trip through DC History from the very beginning. I'll be covering some of the oldest and rarest DC stories of all time. Many of the characters and creators are nearly forgotten, but they were pioneers in the field of comics before the true dawn of the Golden Age which began with the creation of Superman.

This episode features a look at DC's very first comic New Fun #1 and DC's first cover star Jack Woods.

Want to read some Jack Woods adventures: New Fun #1, New Fun #2, New Fun #5

Newspaper article announcing the debut of New Fun.

The introduction to New Fun which appeared on the inside front cover. Reprinted from Alter Ego Magazine.

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They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2025 Mike's Amazing World of Comics