Superman:The Man of Steel Vol. 1 HC
Superman:The Man of Steel Vol. 1 HC
Cover Credits
Artist: John L. Byrne

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Title: "Man o' War"
Pages: 23

Superman (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Marv Wolfman
Penciller: Jerry Ordway
Inker: Mike Machlan
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Thomas J. Ziuko

Reprinted From:
Adventures of Superman #424 (1987)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Sam Lane (Lois's father; first post-Crisis appearance; last appearance in Action Comics #597; next appearance in Adventures of Superman #433)
  • Elinore Lane (Lois's mother; first post-Crisis appearance; last appearance in Action Comics #597; next appearance in Adventures of Superman #433)
  • Lilya (Luthor's assistant; no further appearances)
  • A corporate board of directors (Mr. Johnson named; die in this story; no further appearances)
  • David Gunderson (behind-the-scenes on the phone; only last name given; next appearance in Action Comics #584)
  • Several Metropolis police officers (McGregor named; no further appearances)
  • A chauffeur and a butler (employees of Luthor; no further appearances)

This story continues in Adventures of Superman #425.

Metropolis is threatened by the Freedom League, a terrorist organization using robotic demolition vehicles. Clark Kent and new report Cat Grant arrive on the scene after one of the attacks. Clark points out a survivor, then he and Cat continue on to their appointment with Professor Emil Hamilton.

Professor Hamilton has invented a magnetic force field device which he demonstrates on Clark. Even with his powers Clark doubts that he could break through the field. However, Hamilton believes the government is out to discredit him. Before Clark can finish the interview the Freedom League strikes again. Superman then begins a battle with their attack vehicles.

Meanwhile, Lois Lane's mother has a nearly fatal accident and is put in the hospital. Luthor kidnaps Lois and tells her that her mother was at a Lexcorp facility when the accident occurred. He claims to feel responsible, so he has invented a cure that Elinore must take once a month. Lois begrudging accepts the cure, but Luthor does not tell her that he arranged the accident in the first place or that he could have given Lois a permanent cure had he wished.

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