Superman/Batman:The Greatest Stories Ever Told TPB
Superman/Batman:The Greatest Stories Ever Told TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Alex Ross

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Title: "The Cape and Cowl Crooks"
Pages: 18

Superman (of Earth-1)
Batman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Edmond Hamilton
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: George Klein

Reprinted From:
World's Finest Comics #159 (1966)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Sgt. O'Hara (as a voice only; no further appearances)

Cameo Appearance(s)

Part 2: "Trail of the Copy-Cat Crooks"

Perry White and Commissioner Gordon visit Superman's Fortress of Solitude and the Bat-Cave, so that Perry can complete a series of articles about the foes of Superman and Batman. After the visit two costumed villains Anti-Superman and Anti-Batman challenge the World's Finest team. Anti-Superman possesses Superman's powers and threatens his counterpart with Gold Kryptonite. Anti-Batman knows all of Batman's secrets with the exception of his secret identity.

Batman eventually deduces that the villains are really Perry and Gordon under the influence of alien gas X-22. Batman lures them into a trap where Superman can deliver the antidote. Perry and Gordon return to normal and explain that they were exposed to the gas in Superman's Fortress. Perry also uses a machine to give himself temporary super powers.

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