Lois Lane
Lois Lane

Name: Lois Lane
Universe: Earth-1
Occupation: Newspaper Reporter, Sometime Television Reporter
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: Daily Planet Staff
Base of Operations: City of Metropolis
Known Relatives: Samuel Lane (father), Ella Lane (mother), Lucy Lane (sister), Louis Lane (cousin)
Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Weight: 122 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: Superman #46

Born in a small town of Pittsdale, Lois grew up on her parents’ farm just outside the community, together with her younger sister, Lucy. Very popular in school and making top grades, she became the top reporter on her school paper.

One summer Lois went to Camp Hiawatha, where she shared a cabin with three girls from Smallville – including Lana Lang. Clark Kent was at a boys’ camp across the lake, and so Superboy showed up in emergencies. Lana was then trying to discover the Boy of Steel’s secret identity, and Lois deliberately sabotaged these attempts.

Later Lois was one of two high school reporters picked to go to Metropolis and work at the Daily Planet for a week. The other winner was Clark Kent, so once again Lois met Superboy. For the first time, Lois beat Clark to a scoop – with Superboy’s help.

After high school came college at Raleigh University. While there, Lois worked summers at the Planet, traveling to Metropolis to do so. Thus she was already established at the paper when Clark came to work there.

At first, Lois was not impressed by Superman, considering him to be a mere glory-hunter. Then the Man of Might volunteered to take her on an assignment to a certain island where he encountered a piece of Red Kryptonite that temporarily robbed him of his powers. His ingenuity as an ordinary man caused Lois to see him in a different light, and she fell in love with him. He also fell for her, but she did not learn this until a few years later, when she had telepathic powers for a time and read his mind.

Lois is one of the top three reporters on the Planet, the others being Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen. She has always been helpful and supportive of friends. When Lana Lang showed up in Metropolis, broke and looking for work, Lois helped her get a job at station WMET-TV. (Later, of course, Lana was hired away by GBS.)

At one time, Lois’s curiousity led her to try to discover Superman’s secret identity. The fact that Clark never seemed to be around when Superman was in action led her to choose him as Suspect Number One. He always managed to foil her, and eventually she gave up.

After Galaxy Communications bought the Planet, Lois had, for a time, her own TV series, Lois Lane’s People, U.S.A. Like so many other public affairs shows, it was killed by poor ratings.

Lois is one of the best investigative reporters in the world, and has won numerous awards, including a Pulitzer Prize. She has contacts who help her in this, notably a man called "Wheezer," who hangs out at a dive called Maggie’s. She is respected by the police, including inspector William Henderson, though he often objects to the risks she takes.

For a while, Lois and Superman had a romance going, but problems arose, causing Lois to break it off, though there can be no doubt that they still love each other.

Though she has had temporary super-powers from time to time – including periods when she borrowed Jimmy Olsen’s Elastic Serum and Lana Lang’s Bio-Genetic Ring – Lois has never had any permanent powers. She is skilled in judo and karate, however, and is a quick-witted opponent.

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