World's Finest Comics #196
World's Finest Comics #196
Cover Credits
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Murphy Anderson

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Title: "The Kryptonite Express"
Pages: 21

Superman (of Earth-1)
Batman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Bob Haney
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: George Roussos

Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:World's Finest Vol. 4 TPB (2013)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • K.C. Jones (a racketeer; no further appearances)
  • A Robin impostor (no further appearances)
  • Several masked henchmen (no further appearances)

Robin doesn't actually appear in this story. He has been replaced by an impostor. Batman explains that the real Robin was captured behind-the-scenes.

A meteor shower strikes the Earth causing Kryptonite meteorites to be scattered around the country. A request is issued to gather all the Kryptonite and load it onto a train which will dispose of it safely. Superman, Batman, and Robin guard the train. Racketeer K.C. Jones and his men try to rob the train with the help of a secret spy they have planted on board. After several unsuccessful attempts to steal the Kryptonite, Jones is finally captured by Superman and Batman. They also uncover the spy who turns out to be Robin. He was replaced by an impostor, but Batman discovered the switch when he demonstrated a lack of knowledge concerning Superman's secret identity.

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