Batman #225
Title: "Shutdown on York Street"
Pages: 9
Batman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Mike Friedrich
Penciller: Irving H. Novick
Inker: Michael Esposito
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:Batman Vol. 5 TPB (2012)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Jack Donaldson (a mechanic; no further appearances)
- Three unnamed criminals (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Alex Saddows (Art's son; no further appearances)
- Vic (a drag racer; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- Chris Pike (Vic's girlfriend; no further appearances)
Two young street racers compete in a drag race. Alex Saddows is the loser. Vic, the winner of the race, has also won the attention of Chris Pike, Alex's girlfriend. After the race, Alex wants to get even by scaring Vic. Instead, his car won't stop and he kills Vic with it. Alex is then wanted for murder.
Batman begins looking for Alex. He finds him at the wheel of a getaway car used by some crooks. Alex signals Batman for help. Batman stops the crooks. Alex then leads Batman to Jack Donaldson, the mechanic who drained the brake fluid from his car, so that it would not stop. Jack confesses that he too was jealous of Vic and Alex because he was interested in Chris too.
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