World's Finest Comics #134
World's Finest Comics #134
Cover Credits
Artist: Jim Mooney

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Title: "The Band of Super Villains"
Pages: 15

Superman (of Earth-1)
Batman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Bill Finger
Artist: Jim Mooney

Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:World's Finest Vol. 2 TPB (2008)
Batman & Superman in World's Finest Comics:The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 2 HC (2019)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • The Band of Super-Villains (Merman, Astro, and an unnamed member; no further appearances)
  • An alien invader (no further appearances)

While visiting a new outdoor exhibit called Science City, both Superman and Batman encounter strangely powered crooks. The exhibit has also been encased in an unbreakable force bubble, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.

Superman is able to follow the crooks and learns that they were given their powers by an alien. Superman, Batman, and Robin then impersonate the crooks and go to the alien vessel. They are told by the alien that they have been used as part of an invasion plot, but Superman destroys the alien ship and successfully stops the planned invasion.

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