Batman #157
Title: "The Hunt for Batman's Secret Identity"
Pages: 13
Batman (of Earth-1)
Writer: Bill Finger
Penciller: Sheldon Moldoff
Inker: Charles Paris
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Mirror-Man (Floyd Ventris; last appearance in Detective Comics #213; no further appearances)
- Mirror-Man's hirelings (Harry Vance named; no further appearances)
Mirror-Man escapes from prison and reforms his gang. Then he sets out to prove that Bruce Wayne is Batman. He orders one of his hirelings to tail Wayne, so that when he commits a robbery, Bruce can’t intervene as Batman. Bruce is able to outwit the crooks and arrive as Batman, but Mirror-Man escapes.
Vicki Vale overhears Mirror-Man’s claim that Bruce is Batman, so she hires an actor to play Bruce at a benefit appearance. Batman has also asked Alfred to disguise himself as Bruce. Mirror-Man’s hireling follows the actor back to the talent agency, so Mirror-Man seems to have been proven correct. Batman eventually catches the gang, and Mirror-Man tries to expose him. However, Alfred is now disguised as Batman, so when the real Bruce shows up, Mirror-Man’s claims are not believed.
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