Checkmate #33
Checkmate #33
Cover Credits
Penciller: Steve Erwin
Inker: Al Vey

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Title: "Final Flight"
Pages: 24


Writer: Paul Kupperberg
Penciller: Gabriel Morrisette
Inker: Mike Machlan
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Julianna Ferriter

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Victor Cypher (last appearance in Checkmate #32; no further appearances)
  • Niles Dark (last appearance in Checkmate #32; no further appearances)
  • Pierre (last appearance in Checkmate #32; no further appearances)
  • Bishop (last appearance in Checkmate #30; no further appearances)
  • President Marlo (last appearance in Suicide Squad #26; no further appearances)
  • Colonel Rumaan Harjavti (identified as president; last appearance in Justice League International #16; no further appearances)
  • Waldhem (an ambassador from Zandia; no further appearances)
  • Cypher's army (no further appearances)

Guest Appearance(s)

Other Character(s)

  • A Soviet intelligence agent (last appearance in Checkmate #32; no further appearances)
  • Wolfgang Schmidt's ghost (last appearance in Checkmate #28; no further appearances)

Patriotic Knights:Part III

This story is continued from Checkmate #32.

Checkmate begins their assault on Austanburg in multiple teams. Peacemaker provides air support for the ground teams, but when the ghost of his father returns, he bails out. O'Donnell battles Bishop, while Reed, Washington and Zahar lead teams to find Cypher. Meanwhile Nagoya and his Soviet counterpart seek out the stolen Russia power source. When they destroy the lab containing the power source, Bishop and the other cybernetic soldiers lose power. The other Checkmate teams close in on Cypher, but they are unable to prevent him from making a worldwide broadcast which installs him as the new monarch of Austanburg. Stein is ordered to withdraw his men, leaving Cypher in control of the country.

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