Cover Credits |
Penciller: Steve Leialoha Inker: Alan Gordon |
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Comic Title: Suicide Squad #13
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: May 1988
On Sale Date:
February 2, 1988 Shipping Date February 2, 1988
Source: DC Releases, #48
Shipping Date February 2, 1988
Source: Amazing Heroes, #135
Newsstand Date February 25, 1988
Source: Amazing Heroes, #135
Copyright Date February 2, 1988
Source: Library of Congress, Copyright Office 1988
Cover Price: $0.75
Page Count: 32
Editor: Robert Greenberger
Story |
Title: "Battle Lines"
Pages: 22
Suicide Squad (Post-Crisis)
Writer: John Ostrander
Penciller: Luke McDonnell
Inker: Robert Lewis
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Carl Gafford
Reprinted In:
Justice League International Vol. 2 HC (2008)
Justice League International Vol. 2 TPB (2009)
Suicide Squad:The Nightshade Odyssey TPB (2016)
Justice League International:Born Again TPB (2020)
Feature Character(s)
- Suicide Squad (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Suicide Squad #14)
- Rick Flag (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Suicide Squad #16)
- Bronze Tiger (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Suicide Squad #14)
- Captain Boomerang (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Suicide Squad #14)
- Deadshot (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Suicide Squad #14)
- Javelin (last appearance in Justice League International #13; no further appearances)
- Duchess (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Suicide Squad #14)
- Nemesis (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Suicide Squad #14)
- Nightshade (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Secret Origins #28)
- Vixen (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Suicide Squad #14)
Guest Star(s)
- Justice League (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Martian Manhunter #1)
- Batman (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Martian Manhunter #1)
- Black Canary (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Captain Atom #16)
- Blue Beetle (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Martian Manhunter #1)
- Booster Gold (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Martian Manhunter #1)
- Captain Atom (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Martian Manhunter #1)
- Guy Gardner (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Justice League International #14)
- Martian Manhunter (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Martian Manhunter #1)
- Mister Miracle (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Martian Manhunter #1)
- Rocket Red #4 (incorrectly shown as #7; last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Martian Manhunter #1)
Supporting Character(s)
- Amanda Waller (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Suicide Squad #14)
Guest Appearance(s)
- Maxwell Lord (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in Justice League International #14)
- Rocket Red Brigade (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in New Guardians #5)
- Red Star (last appearance in Justice League International #13; next appearance in New Teen Titans #48)
- People's Heroes (last appearance in Justice League International #13; no further appearances)
- Hammer (last appearance in Suicide Squad #7; next appearance in New Teen Titans #48)
- Sickle (last appearance in Suicide Squad #7; next appearance in New Teen Titans #48)
- Molotov (last appearance in Suicide Squad #7; next appearance in Suicide Squad #41)
This story is continued from Justice League International #13.
The Justice League and Suicide Squad square off inside a Soviet prison. The Squad has brought the team into the prison to rescue Nemesis who is being held prisoner by the Russians. The Justice League has been called in to stop them. The teams begin to fight. Blue Beetle tackles the Duchess. Booster Gold defends himself against Javelin. Deadshot fights Mister Miracle. Captain Boomerang attacks Guy Gardner. Black Canary and Bronze Tiger fight, but she suspects something is wrong because half the Squad including her opponent are good guys.
Captain Atom is aware of the Squad's existence through his government connections. He and Nightshade have recently become romantically involved. Since the League does not know about his government connections, the couple pretends to fight until the matter is settled.
Vixen and Martian Manhunter were former teammates. J'onn questions Mari about her involvement with the villains. She explains that she recently killed Cujo. J'onn forgives her. Rather than fight he consoles her. Rocket Red then tells J'onn that he has questions Nemesis. Dmitri feels that Tresser was justly imprisoned, but that he may be unfairly executed if held.
J'onn tells his team to stop fighting. The Bronze Tiger does the same with his team. Only Batman and Rick Flag continue to fight it out. Even when their own teammates try to intercede, the two men continue to go after one another. Finally Batman walks away, but Flag passes out from his injuries.
J'onn decides to let the Suicide Squad go. They tell the Soviets that they repelled the attack by the super-villains. They then take Nemesis into protective custody at their Russian embassy. J'onn explains that they will allow him to escape in a few days. When the Soviet super-heroes arrive on the scene, the battle is over.
Both teams return home. Batman is so angry that he quits. Flag is taken to the Belle Reve infirmary to recover from his wounds while the rest of the team awaits Waller's wrath for their unauthorized mission.
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