Swamp Thing:The Bronze Age Vol. 2 TPB
Swamp Thing:The Bronze Age Vol. 2 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Ernie Chan

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Title: "The Sixty Deaths of Solomon Grundy"
Pages: 17

Superman (of Earth-1)
Swamp Thing (of Earth-1)

Writer: Steve Englehart
Artist: Murphy Anderson
Letterer: Ben Oda
Colorist: Jerry Serpe

Reprinted From:
DC Comics Presents #8 (1979)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Guest Appearance(s)

Several duplicates of Solomon Grundy appear in this story. None of them are the one that was last seen in Superman #322. That Grundy presumably still exists on the planet where Superman left him at the conclusion of that story. The Grundy duplicates are being created in the sewers of Metropolis and are destroyed by the end of this story.

Batman appears only as a voice. He speaks to Superman via belt radio.

Swamp Thing learns that Solomon Grundy was spawned in the sewers of Metropolis. He decides to investigate in hopes of finding a link to his own condition which might lead to a cure. In the sewers, he encounters Grundy just as Superman arrives on the scene. The Man of Steel is intent on destroying Grundy, but Swamp Thing wants to examine him instead. Unable to communicate his intentions with words, Swamp Thing intervenes physically in Grundy's defense. Superman is then knocked out by Grundy.

Swamp Thing leads Grundy away to a makeshift lab where he can analyze the creature's biology. When Superman recovers, he wonders why Swamp Thing sided with Grundy. Batman vouches for the swamp monster. Superman also visits Dr. Klyburn in order to permanently prevent Grundy from regenerating.

While the heroes are busy, another Solomon Grundy generates in the sewers. When it emerges from the depths, Superman assumes it is the same one he fought earlier. He destroys it, but the threat is not over. Swamp Thing finishes his analysis only to discover that Grundy is not related to his condition in any way, nor is he truly alive. The Grundy he was experimenting on leaves and returns to the surface. Dozens of other Grundy's emerge too. Klyburn has developed a means to destroy them all. Swamp Thing feels a kinship with Grundy and tries to tell Superman before he uses the new chemical. He arrives too late. Superman destroys all the remaining creatures, leaving Swamp Thing to return to the shadows alone.

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