Superman in the Sixties TPB
Superman in the Sixties TPB
Cover Credits
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Al Plastino

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Title: "The Showdown Between Luthor and Superman"
Pages: 17

Superman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Edmond Hamilton
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: George Klein

Reprinted From:
Superman #164 (1963)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Guest Appearance(s)

  • Jor-El (in flashback; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • A substitute prison warden (no further appearances)
  • Citizens of Planet Lexor (next appearance in Superman #167)

Cameo Appearance(s)

  • Lara (a phantom in Superman’s hallucination)

Luthor befriends the people of an unnamed planet in a red sun solar system. The planet remains unnamed in this story, but it is later rechristened Lexor to honor Luthor in Superman #168.

Luthor escapes jail and challenges Superman to a fair fight without super powers. Superman agrees and takes Lex to a planet with a red sun. They battle, but are temporarily separated.

Lex discovers a native civilization and befriends the people, convincing them that Superman is evil. He promises to find them a new water supply, but fails. When Superman and Luthor clash again, Luthor throws the fight. Superman returns to Earth, but Luthor talks him in to sending the planet water for the people. Though he is returned to prison, Luthor is happy to have helped the people of the planet, and they consider him a hero.

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