Superman #284
Superman #284
Cover Credits
Artist: Nicholas Peter Cardy

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Title: "The Interplanetary Olympics"
Pages: 12

Superman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Leo Dorfman
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: George Klein

Reprinted From:
Action Comics #304 (1963)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Rogan, Boscar, and Borko (interplanetary criminals; no further appearances)

Superman and Lana Lang are transported to a small planetoid, where Superman is asked to compete in an Interplanetary Olympics. Superman reluctantly agrees, but his super powers unexpectedly fail him. Due to his poor showing, Superman is disqualified and returned to Earth. Lana feels sorry for Superman until he tells her that he only faked his weakness. The Olympics was a setup to siphon off his super energy, allowing criminals to power a ship to take them into the future. By not exerting super energy, Superman denied them the necessary power. The authorities are then able to arrest the crooks.

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