Superman #173
Superman #173
Cover Credits
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: George Klein

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Title: "The 'Untouchable' Clark Kent"
Pages: 8

Superman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Leo Dorfman
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: George Klein

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Ed Babson (a former movie star; no further appearances)

Former movie star Ed Babson has had a mental breakdown and now believes he is really "Little Napoleon," a movie gangster. When he sees Clark Kent on the street, Babson mistakes him for John Dillinger. He forces Clark and Lois into his car at gunpoint and takes them back to his hide-out.

Babson forces Clark to test some weapons. Clark must use his wits to protect Lois and keep her from discovering his secret identity. Finally, Babson orders him to lock Lois in a closet. With Lois safe, Clark has the freedom to use his powers. He knocks out Babson, then uses Kandorian science to cure the actor of his delusion. Lois is then released, and Clark helps Babson resume his acting career.

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