Justice League International Vol. 5 TPB
Justice League International Vol. 5 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Bart Sears

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Title: "Around the World with the Justice League"
Pages: 33

Justice League (Post-Crisis)

Plotter: Keith Giffen
Scripter: J. Mark DeMatteis
Penciller: Mike McKone
Inker: Bruce D. Patterson
Inker: Pablo Marcos
Letterer: Albert Tobias De Guzman
Colorist: Eugene D'Angelo

Reprinted From:
Justice League Annual #3 (1989)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)

Guest Appearance(s)

Other Character(s)

  • The natives of Kooey Kooey Kooey (Herb, Toofur, and Gooba named; next appearance in Justice League America #33)
  • Inada Akutsu and Cyndy Kurahara (the bureau chief and secretary at the Tokyo embassy; no further appearances)
  • Rodan "Duke" Katatami (an engineer at the Tokyo embassy; no further appearances)
  • Ernesto Lopez (the bureau chief of the Brazil embassy; no further appearances)
  • Inez Luisa and the staff of the Brazil embassy (no further appearances)
  • Boris Dmitravich Razumihin (the bureau chief of the Moscow embassy; next appearance in Justice League Europe #11)
  • Rosa Rubikskova (a Moscow embassy liaison; next appearance in Justice League Europe #15)
  • Michael and Lisa Morice (the bureau chief and liaison of the London embassy; no further appearances)
  • Esteban Sanchez (an aide at the London embassy; no further appearances)

Blue Beetle has recovered from his brainwashing, so this story must take place after Justice League America #29.

Maxwell Lord and members of the Justice League travel around the world to visit the various embassies which have been established in other countries. While the tour is taking place a delegation from the island of Kooeykooeykooey arrives in New York. The natives want the Justice League to claim the island, so that they may remain neutral in the cold war conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. When Martian Manhunter leads the delegation to the Paris embassy to meet Max, the deal for the island is completed.

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