Superman #237
Superman #237
Cover Credits
Artist: Neal Adams

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Title: "Enemy of Earth"
Pages: 22

Superman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Dennis J. O'Neil
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Murphy Anderson
Letterer: John Costanza

Reprinted In:
Superman:Kryptonite Nevermore HC (2009)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • A test pilot (no further appearances)
  • The pilot of a charter plane (no further appearances)

Superman rescues a test pilot only to find that the man has contracted a terrible disease which turns his skin green. While Clark Kent is reporting the story, the sand creature approaches and saps energy from Superman. The Man of Steel confronts the creature which results in an explosion. People near to Superman also contract the disease making Superman believe he caused it.

Lois calls for help while stranded on assignment in South America. Superman is afraid to help fearing he will pass on the plague. When he sees the sand creature again, he approaches which triggers an even larger explosion. Although weakened, Superman is no a danger to those around him. He rescues Lois. Then he meets the sand creature again. It can now speak. It tells Superman than he is a being created from him. He fears that one of them may not survive.

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