Showcase Presents:Superman Family Vol. 3 TPB
Title: "Olsen's Super-Supper"
Pages: 8
Jimmy Olsen (of Earth-1)
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Creig Flessel
Reprinted From:
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #38 (1959)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Dr. Falke and Mike (counterfeiters; no further appearances)
Jimmy Olsen enters an eating contest to win a new car. A doctor approaches Jimmy with a pill that will allow him to eat large amounts of food. The pill works well and Jimmy wins the contest, but his appetite is out of control.
Jimmy visits the doctor to get the antidote, but Jimmy gets locked in a locker room. His appetite is still out of control, and Jimmy eats some evidence that he was bringing to an upcoming court appearance to prosecute some counterfeiters.
The doctor and his assistant had planned the whole scheme to destroy the evidence, but the doctor mixed up briefcases with Jimmy, and Jimmy ate the real money. The evidence is recovered, and the counterfeiters are caught.
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