Batman #31
Title: "Vanishing Village"
Pages: 11
Batman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Joe Samachson
Penciller: Jerry Robinson
Inker: George Roussos
Reprinted In:
Detective Comics #442 (1974)
Batman:The Dark Knight Archives Vol. 7 HC (2011)
Batman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 4 HC (2018)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Knuckles Donegan and his gang (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Slick, Weasel, and other underworld thugs (no further appearances)
Batman and Robin capture the gang of Knuckles Donegan, but the gang leader gets away. They find a clue which ties Donegan to a town in Florida which has mysteriously vanished.
Batman disguises himself as Donegan and keeps an appointment Knuckles had with some other crooks. Batman is taken to the missing town, which has been relocated to the Everglades as a hide-out for crooks. Robin follows his partner and summons the police. Then Batman and the police apprehend the underworld thugs including the real Knuckles.
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