Showcase Presents Aquaman Vol. 2 TPB
Showcase Presents Aquaman Vol. 2 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Nicholas Peter Cardy

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Title: "The Fish in the Iron Mask"
Pages: 7

Aquaman (of Earth-1)

Artist: Ramona Fradon

Reprinted From:
World's Finest Comics #132 (1963)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Merdo the Wizard (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • An old fisherman (no further appearances)

Topo, Aquaman’s pet octopus, begins attacking fishing vessels and wears an iron mask. Aquaman attempts to stop him, but finds that Topo has amazing strength and can resist the Sea King’s telepathic commands.

Aquaman soon learns that the mind of Merdo the Wizard is trapped in the mask and is controlling Topo. The wizard wants to put the mask on Aquaman in order to gain control of a human body. He knocks Aquaman out and begins to switch the mask onto the Sea King’s head, but Aqualad commands Topo to drop the mask after it is removed. Topo obeys and Aquaman is spared. He then destroys the mask.

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