World's Finest Comics #13

Title: "The Freedom of the Press"
Pages: 12
Superman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Don Cameron
Penciller: Ira Yarbrough
Inker: George Roussos
Reprinted In:
Superman:The World's Finest Comics Archives Vol. 1 HC (2004)
Superman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 4 HC (2017)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Delmar "Dice" Dimant, Rex "Rattler" Ratlan, Emory "Emperor" Auslinger, and their men (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Happy, Sanford, Sam Greene, Matt Worth, Pete Gluyas, Honey Dale (members of the Daily Planet staff; no further appearances)
The Daily Planet celebrates its 100th anniversary in this story.
Superman and Lois Lane find evidence against a trio of well-known gangsters. Lois plans to use the evidence in a story for the Daily Planet. The gangsters kidnap her and two other members of the Daily Planet staff. Then they try threatening the other workers in order to kill the story. The staff refuses to give in to the demands, Superman rescues the hostages, and the story is printed.
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