
Name: Superman
Universe: Earth-2
Alter Ego: Clark Kent
Occupation: Newspaper Reporter, later Editor
Marital Status: Married
Group Affiliation: All-Star Squadron, Justice Society of America
Base of Operations: Metropolis
Known Relatives: Jor-L (father, deceased), Lora (mother, deceased), Jon Kent (adoptive father, deceased), Mary Kent (adoptive mother, deceased), Lois Lane Kent (wife), Lucille Lane Tompkins (sister-in-law), George Tompkins (brother-in-law), Susan Tompkins (niece)
Height: 6 ft. 2 in.
Weight: 222 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
First Appearance: Action Comics #1

Kal-L was born on a Krypton somewhat different from that on which the Superman of today had his origin. On this planet, the people had limited super-powers (though the heavier gravity kept these powers from being as great as Superman’s on Earth). When destruction threatened, Jor-L could not convince the ruling Science Council. As the planet entered its final death throes, he sent his infant son to Earth in the model space rocket he’d built.

The sole witness to the ship’s landing on Earth were a middle-aged couple, John and Mary Kent. They lifted the babe from the rocket moments before its alien fuel burned it to ashes.

At first they took him to an orphanage, but finally returned to adopt him. As the years passed, he gradually discovered his many super-powers. He could lift great weights, outrun an express train, leap an eighth of a mile—and not even a bursting shell could penetrate his skin.

In time, Mary Kent died; when John also lay on his death-bed, he told his son to use his mysterious powers for good. Clark took this advice to heart, deciding to conceal his identity and use his abilities only as the colorfully-clad Superman.

A story on Superman’s first public act—preventing a lynching—got Clark a job as a reporter on the Daily Star, edited by George Taylor. There he worked side-by-side with Lois Lane, a courageous newswoman who developed a crush on Superman, but didn’t think much of the rather timid Clark Kent.

He first teamed with other heroes in the adventure that gave birth to the Justice Society, a group which he himself named. However, he declined full membership at that time, he and Batman preferring to be only honorary members.

The Man of Tomorrow battled numerous foes: Luthor, the Ultra-Humanite, Prankster, Toyman, Puzzler, Funny Face, The Archer, the Tycoon of Crime, Metallo, and others.

He did accept full membership in the All-Star Squadron, and, years later, in the revived JSA.

As time went by, his strength increased, and he discovered the full extent of his powers as his leaping great bounds led to the power of flight. Yet he still had no idea where he came from or the origin of his fantastic abilities.

One day he had a run-in with a petty swindler named Dan Rivers, who called himself "Swami Riva." In his presence, Superman became weakened—supposedly by the phoney mystic’s "hex," but in reality (he learned), by the green stone in his turban.

Tracing that stone—the first Kryptonite he had encountered—Superman found it had a meteoric origin, and flew through space and time to discover not only the stone’s origin, but his own as well. He learned about his father and mother—though, since he was in a time when he existed as an infant (and could not exist in two places at the same time) he had become an invisible phantom to them. He soon mastered Kryptonese and witnessed himself being sent to Earth.

Returning to Earth in the present, Superman managed to keep secret his weakness, but Rivers had already figured it out and his cellmate, Luthor, believed him and exposed Superman to the deadly material when he escaped from prison. Though he was thwarted, Luthor had revealed the Man of Steel’s weakness to the world.

Not long after discovering his origin, the villainous Wizard cast a spell to rid the world of Superman. This caused Clark to forget his super-identity and powers. But Clark battled evil as a crusading newsman, and won Lois’ heart. They married.

On their honeymoon, Lois discovered Clark was Superman—though he still did not know it. She found Fred Garth—The Wizard—now down and out, and got him to reverse his spell. With Superman back, Lois was ready to forsake her marriage, but he refused to let her, and so they renewed their vows in Kryptonian sytle.

Not long after this, Taylor retired, and Clark replaced him as editor-in-chief. He made Jimmy Olsen city editor, and hired the Earth-Two Lana Lang as TV critic.

Whether the Kents ever had any children has never been revealed, and seems never likely to be.

During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Superman went back in time with the other heroes, and returned to an Earth in which no one remembers him—where he and his Lois had never existed. Later, he accompanied other heroes on a final mission against the Anti-Monitor. In the end, he stayed behind in the anti-matter universe along with young Alex Luthor and the Earth-Prime Superboy: It was Superman who struck the final, fatal blow that destroyed the Anti-Monitor. The Alex Luthor revealed he had managed to save Lois Kent in another dimensional world, a paradisical place where she, Superman, Alex and the young Superboy found their final haven.

Superman has tremendous strength, near-invulnerability, super-speed (which can even break the time barrier), flight, super-breath, and various super-visions including X-Ray, heat, microscopic and telescopic visions.

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