Greatest 1950s Stories Ever Told TPB
Title: "The Jimmy Olsen from Jupiter"
Pages: 10
Jimmy Olsen (of Earth-1)
Writer: Alvin Schwartz
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Ray Burnley
Reprinted From:
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #32 (1958)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Jeff Wacker (a hold-up man; no further appearances)
- A professional dynamiter (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Several Jovians (no further appearances)
- Edmund Willis, Vince Regan, and Doctor Wilmington (a movie critic, a reporter, and a lost explorer; no further appearances)
- An old man (no further appearances)
Jimmy Olsen is contacted by Jovians who wish him to help with an experiment. As a result, Jimmy is transformed into a Jovian with green skin and the ability to read minds. Jimmy covers his skin with bandages and uses his ability to get news stories.
Jimmy’s ability help him win an award, and he also learns Clark Kent is Superman. However, when the ability wears off, the Man of Steel tricks Jimmy into believing he was mistaken about his secret identity.
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