Detective Comics #98

Title: "The King of the Hoboes"
Pages: 12
Batman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Don Cameron
Artist: Dick Sprang
Reprinted In:
Batman Archives Vol. 4 HC (1998)
Batman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 4 HC (2018)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Silvers Silke, Soapy Waters, and Squint (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Casper Thurbridge (a bank president; no further appearances)
- Fred Frisco and a group of hoboes (no further appearances)
Bank president Casper Thurbridge takes a break from the stressful life of business and becomes a hobo. While he is away, criminals break in to his home and steal money from his wall safe. Batman interrupts the robbery, capturing one of the crooks, but the others escape.
Batman trails the crooks to the Paradise Jungle, a home for hoboes run by Thurbridge. He exposes the crooks, but Thurbridge lets them leave the camp. Batman pursues them, but he is captured. The crooks try to kill Batman, then return to the hobo camp. Batman escapes and follows the crooks, who have started a riot in the camp. Batman and Robin break up the riot. The crooks are taken to jail, and Thurbridge returns to the bank, vowing to continue helping the hoboes.
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