Warlord #13

Title: "The Hunter"
Pages: 17
Warlord (of Earth-1)
Writer/Artist: Mike Grell
Letterer: Ben Oda
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:Warlord Vol. 1 TPB (2009)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Stryker (name revealed; dies in this story; last appearance in Warlord #6; next appearance in Warlord #46)
Warlord and his companions make their way through a swamp on the way to the great fire mountain. They are attacked by a sea serpent which Morgan kills. He realizes that the creature was easier to kill than expected and finds a bullet on the ground. This leads him to conclude that someone else from the outside world is in Skartaris. Then the trio of adventurers is surprised by a booby trap.
Morgan awakens to the sight of his friends strapped with explosives. Stryker, the leader of the CIA team he encountered in South America, has followed him to Skartaris. Morgan is then forced to participate in a hunt through the jungle to reach the detonator which controls the explosives. During the hunt, Morgan triggers an explosion. Stryker thinks Morgan is dead, but he has survived and retrieved his gun. Morgan then outdraws Stryker and kills him, before releasing his friends.
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