New Gods:Bloodlines TPB
New Gods:Bloodlines TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Paris Cullins

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Title: "Hordes"
Pages: 24

New Gods (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Mark Evanier
Plotter/Penciller: Paris Cullins
Inker: Robert Lewis
Letterer: Robert M. Pinaha
Colorist: Thomas J. Ziuko

Reprinted From:
New Gods #1 (1989)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)

  • Eve Donner (first post-Crisis appearance; next appearance in New Gods #3)
  • Dave Lincoln (first post-Crisis appearance; next appearance in New Gods #6)


Other Character(s)

  • Wilson Gilmore (no further appearances)

Kalibak and a squad of Para-Demons are dispatched to Earth to capture humans who possess fragments of the anti-life equation in their souls. Orion and a group of New Gods protect Eve Donner and Wilson Gilmore from Kalibak. Eventually the Para-Demons are forced into retreat. Before leaving they activate the Morrow Cube, a weapon which threatens to destroy the city of Atlanta.

While Orion fights Kalibak, the other New Gods try to stop the Morrow Cube. Several of them including Jezebel appear to die. Eventually Orion breaks off the fight with Kalibak and uses the Astro Force to stop the cube.

During the fighting Wilson Gilmore is abducted and taken to Apokolips. DeSaad tortures Wilson and extracts the anti-life from his soul, placing it in a crystal for his master Darkseid.

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