Arion, Lord of Atlantis #11
Arion, Lord of Atlantis #11
Cover Credits
Artist: Jan Duursema

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Title: "The Freedom of Rmoahal"
Pages: 23

Arion (of Earth-1)

Writer: Doug Moench
Penciller: Jan Duursema
Inker: Thomas Mandrake
Letterer: Andy Kubert
Colorist: Robert K. LeRose

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • An unnamed monster (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

When an earthquake shakes the City of the Golden Gate, an underground passageway is revealed under the palace. It leads to the ruins of an ancient city of the Rmoahals, an ancient race that predates Atlantis. Inside the city, Arion and his friends discover a being encased in a block of ice. They bring the ice block to the surface for study.

Arion then asks Chian for weapons training now that his magic is nearly extinguished. Following the training, Arion attempts to use his limited powers in combination with Caculha's crystals. The psychic magic awakens the creature that had been trapped in ice. The creature was created by the Rmoahals and feeds on psychic energy. After a rampage across half the city, the creature targets Mara who has the most powerful energy. She changes form into a chimera and battle the creature. Arion then arrives and kills it with a swordstrike.

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