
Name: Arion
Universe: Earth-1
Alter Ego: Ahri'ahn
Occupation: Mage to the Court of King D'Tilluh
Marital Status: Single
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Atlantis, 45000 years ago
Known Relatives: Caculha (father, deceased), Majistra (mother, deceased), Garn (brother)
Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
First Appearance: Warlord #55

100,000 years before the story of Arion began, Caculha and Majistra had two children, Ahri'ahn and Garn. Caculha, follower of the Light, raised Ahri'ahn while Majistra, mistress of the Dark, took Garn under her care. The brothers became mortal enemies, each following their teachings.

When Majistra obtained the Twelve Crystals of the Zodiac, she achieved the power she craved, but before she could slay Caculha, Ahri'ahn sacrificed himself instead. Ahri'ahn was turned into pure energy, becoming one with the crystals, and he ceased to exist. Caculha sent what remained of his son to the stars, while Garn, stripped of all color, learned to hate with all his soul.

Garn studied sorcery and, over the centuries, became a master. Obtaining power, he threatened the existence of Atlantis as the great Ice Age began. Caculha chose not to let his home be destroyed and, from his self-imposed exile in the Darkworld dimension, brought his son, now called Arion, back from the heavens.

Over the years, Arion protected his home and opposed his brother time and again. When the ice queen, Frostfire, held captive the Light, Arion sacrificed himself once more, but this time lost most of his magic, not his life.

Arion's magical abilities have been severly limited over time. After wielding great and almost limitless power, Arion is now forced to tap a source of energy to perform magic. This source can by anything from a fire to an earthquake. At his peak, Arion's powers are unmatched. Among his abilities, Arion can increase his size, and create energy forces, tidal waves, and other natural disasters.

At any time, Arion can project illusions using existing dust or water vapor. He also possesses a limited but heightened sixth sense, warning him of danger.

Recently he has become an accomplished swordsman.

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