Superman in the Fifties TPB
Superman in the Fifties TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Michael Cho

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Title: "The Creature of 1,000 Disguises"
Pages: 12

Superman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Edmond Hamilton
Penciller: Wayne Boring
Inker: Stan Kaye

Reprinted From:
Action Comics #234 (1957)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Gollo (an alien youth from Zar with the ability to change shapes; no further appearances)
  • Johnny Miles and his mother (no further appearances)
  • Citizens of Zar (no further appearances)

A runaway boy, Johnny Miles, meets an alien shape-changer from the the planet Zar. The alien, Gollo, becomes Johnny’s playmate, but he gets seperated from Johnny when Superman finds the boy and takes him home.

Gollo searches Metropolis for Johnny, coming into contact with Superman. The Man of Steel wishes to keep the existance of the creature secret to prevent panic, but he eventually traces it back to Johnny. The boy explains who the creature is, and together with Superman, Johnny locates the creature.

Gollo and Johnny renew their friendship. Superman realizes that Gollo is also a runaway. He takes him home where Gollo is reunited with his family, showing his friends the new shapes he has learned to imitate, including Superman.

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