Batman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 3 HC
Title: "Borrowed Butler"
Pages: 4
Alfred Beagle (of Earth-2)
Artist: Jerry Robinson
Reprinted From:
Batman #23 (1944)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Mr. Piper (a thief; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Mrs. Van Upsitart and Oswald (a wealthy woman and her nephew; no further appearances)
Alfred loans his services to Mrs. Van Upsitart whose normal butler has taken ill. When a theft of the family jewels is discovered, Alfred suspects Oswald, Mrs. Van Upsitart's nephew. When he approaches one of the guests, Mr. Piper, with his suspicions, Piper reveals himself as the real crook. Piper thought Alfred was accusing him, so Alfred plays it off as if he knew Piper was the thief. Piper is then apprehended, and Alfred returns to the service of Bruce Wayne.
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