Strange Adventures #23
Title: "The Brain-Pirates of Planet X"
Pages: 8
Captain Comet (of Earth-1)
Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Murphy Anderson
Inker: Sy Barry
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- A race of parasitic aliens and their robots (no further appearances)
Captain Comet discovers a man memorizing the contents of a library. Suspicious, he follows the man back to a space ship where other identical men are gathering. Captain Comet is unable to probe their minds further, so he disables their ship. He then flies into space to the planet where the ship originated.
When Captain Comet lands on the planet, he discovers it is populated by parasitic aliens. The aliens gather and store the combined knowledge of planets, then destroy them. Captain Comet is able to defeat the robot protectors of the parasites. The aliens then die too. Captain Comet returns to Earth to find that the military has destroyed the alien agents on Earth who turn out to be robots as well.
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