Strange Adventures #22
Strange Adventures #22
Cover Credits
Penciller: Robert Oksner
Inker: Bernard Sachs

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Title: "The Guardians of the Clockwork Universe"
Pages: 8

Captain Comet (of Earth-1)

Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Murphy Anderson
Inker: Sy Barry

Reprinted In:
World's Finest Comics #204 (1971)
Mysteries in Space:The Best of DC Science-Fiction Comics SC (1980)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • The rulers of Lukan (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Guardians of the Clockwork Universe (no further appearances)

The Guardians of the Universe in this story are not the same ones which later appear in the Green Lantern series. However, they are similar in nature and may be related to one another. Clearly this story was the basis for the creation of the later Guardians including having men from other worlds act as their agents or champions.

Captain Comet is enlisted by a race known as the Guardians of the Universe. The Guardians are responsible for monitoring the planets and other celestial bodies to ensure they are keep in proper motion lest the entire universe stop. The rulers of the planet Lukan are seeking to move their planet closer to their sun which would throw off the cosmic balance.

Captain Comet is dispatched to Lukan to stop the evil rulers. Once on the planet he discovers his old friend Radea was also sent by the Guardians and is now a captive. He rescues the girl and defeats the crystal beings of Lukan. Comet then drops Radeo off on her own world before returning to Earth.

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