Green Lantern:The Silver Age Vol. 3 TPB
Green Lantern:The Silver Age Vol. 3 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Evan Shaner

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Title: "The Shark Goes on the Prowl Again"
Pages: 15

Green Lantern (Hal Jordan of Earth-1)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Joe Giella

Reprinted From:
Green Lantern #28 (1964)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


While surfing with Hal Jordan and the Kalmaku’s, Carol Ferris falls off her board and disappears. Hal looks for her as Green Lantern. Instead of finding Carol, he finds the Shark. The Shark challenges the emerald crusader and tells him how he escaped his captivity by switching places with his own uniform.

Green Lantern trails the Shark to the location where his foe has placed Carol and the Kalmaku’s as well. GL manages to save his friends, but during his battle with the Shark, he is knocked unconscious. The Shark attempts to remove GL’s power ring, but when he does he is punched out by the still prone Green Lantern.

Lantern revives moments before his foe and is once again able to devolve his opponent back to his natural state. GL then explains to his friends that Hal was saved as well. Later Hal explains to Pieface how he captured the Shark. He commanded the ring, prior to being made unconscious, to switch hands and become invisible if he were knocked out. He also ordered it to punch anyone trying to remove a phony ring created in it’s place.

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