Action Comics #361
Title: "The Power of the Parasite"
Pages: 13
Superman (of Earth-1)
Writer: James Shooter
Artist: Al Plastino
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- A space-geographer and three members of his race (no further appearances)
An alien geographer discovers a glowing space cloud near Earth. The cloud registers as a life form, so the alien brings it aboard his ship and restores the cloud to its former form, the Parasite. The villain quickly steals the alien's energy and returns to Earth.
The Parasite then takes a job in disguise at the Daily Planet as Larcon P. Leech. Having learned Superman's secret identity, the Parasite is able to get close to Clark Kent and slowly siphon off his powers. When he has stolen enough power, the Parasite reveals himself and attacks. Superman appears beaten, but he realized that the Parasite had returned before the fight. The Man of Steel then teams with alien friends of the geographer to imprison the Parasite.
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