Lois Lane:A Celebration of 75 Years HC
Title: "The Kryptonite Girl"
Pages: 9
Lois Lane (of Earth-1)
Artist: Kurt Schaffenberger
Reprinted From:
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #16 (1960)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Duke (Lucy’s dog; no further appearances)
- Several eskimos (no further appearances)
Superman brings back some artifacts from space and warns Lois not to touch them. She ignores his advice and as a result develops Kryptonite vision. She becomes a menace to Superman and is forced to move to Alaska.
Later Jimmy and Clark arrive in Alaska to give Lois an antidote developed by Superman. Lois tries to use the Kryptonite vision on Clark, but it has no effect. She takes the antidote, restoring her normal vision. The whole experience was a hoax by Superman to protect his secret. The rays emitted by Lois’s eyes, while green, were not Kryptonite. Superman only pretended to be weakened by it to teach Lois a lesson.
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