Sensation Comics #56
Title: "The Boy Who Had No Friends"
Pages: 6
Mr. Terrific (of Earth-2)
Artist: Stan Aschmeier
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Captain Shaw (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- J. Seymour Elwood and his son (no further appearances)
The son of wealthy yacht owner J. Seymour Elwood craves attention, so he decides to begin stealing. When he begins robbing the passengers aboard his father's ship, Terry Sloane takes an interest. He finds the boy, but then is surprised by a masked thug. When Mr. Terrific recovers he convinces the boy that becoming a criminal is wrong. He brings the boy to his father to confess and also captures the masked man. After hearing his son's confession, Elwood promises to pay more attention to his son.
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