Batman Chronicles Vol. 10 TPB
Batman Chronicles Vol. 10 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Dick Sprang

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Title: "The Secret of Hunter's Inn"
Pages: 12

Batman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Joe Samachson
Artist: Jerry Robinson

Reprinted From:
Batman #18 (1943)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • John Gottrox (a millionaire; no further appearances)
  • Soup McConell and his staff (no further appearances)

Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson visit the Hunter's Inn where several robberies have recently occurred. When they hear cries for help, they go into action as Batman and Robin. They then encounter Dweedledee and Dweedledum who gas the Caped Crusaders. Alfred rescues them and takes them away from the inn.

Hours laters when they recover from the gas, Batman and Robin return to the inn and find it full of guests. The manager is an ex-con, but Batman can't link him to the crimes. Eventually Batman realizes there are two inns. He finds the other inn where the Tweeds are hiding out. Inside he finds controls that switch the roads, drawing visitors to the false inn. Batman uses the controls to swtich roads, allowing the police to find the false inn and arrest the crooks.

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