Arak/Son of Thunder #23
Arak/Son of Thunder #23
Cover Credits
Penciller: Adrian Gonzales
Inker: Alfredo P. Alcala

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Title: "In the Belly of Baphomet"
Pages: 23


Writer: Roy Thomas
Plotter: Danette Thomas
Penciller: Adrian Gonzales
Inker: Alfredo P. Alcala
Letterer: David Cody Weiss
Colorist: Adrienne Roy

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

This story is continued from Arak/Son of Thunder #22 and continues in Arak/Son of Thunder #24.

Arak and Malagigi join Johannes as he takes a trip to hell to find the demon Baphomet. Johannes intends to answer a riddle which will release the Gog army and allow him to retake White Cathay from Angelica's rule. A tartar wizard and archer follow them intending to thwart their mission. Arak kills the archer, and the demon kills the tartar wizard.

Johannes, Arak, and Malagigi are then captured by the demon. Johannes answers the riddle correctly and is allowed to leave. However, Arak and Malagigi remain with Baphomet who plans to eat them. Malagigi offers to answers another riddle which will release another army known as the Magog. It will also release the demon from his own imprisonment. However, Baphomet knocks the wizard unconscious.

Back in White Cathay, Angelica and Valda battle each other until Haakon breaks up the fight. Satyricus recovers Angelica's ring of invisibility and meets Brunello, the dwarf who wants the ring as payment for freeing Satyricus, Arak, and Valda from Angelica's prison. Once her battle with Valda concludes, Angelica follows Johannes into hell.

Arak answers the riddle in Malagigi's absence. The demon keeps his bargain by releasing the Magog and not killing them, but he refuses to allow Arak to leave hell. He leaves with Arak stranded in hell with Angelica.

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