Detective Comics #416
Title: "Rex – Circus Detective"
Pages: 8
Rex the Wonder Dog (of Earth-1)
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Penciller: Alexander Toth
Inker: Sy Barry
Reprinted From:
Adventures of Rex the Wonder Dog #3 (1952)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Tod Eric (a ticker salesman; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Marie Dana (a trapeze artist; no further appearances)
- Ned Banks (a clown; dies in this story; no further appearances)
Rex and Danny visit the circus where Danny's brother Phillip works as a clown. Two trapeze artists have died in recent accidents, and a third, Marie Dana, nearly dies too. Rex saves her and finds that Marie's outfit was drugged to make her fall. Rex saves the girl again when she insists on continuing her performance. Phillip is accused of murdering another clown who is found dead. Rex finds the killer, ticket taker Tod Eric, and forces the man to confess. Phillip is cleared and Marie continues her act without further incident.
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