Adventures of Rex the Wonder Dog #3
Title: "The Candid Camera Dog"
Pages: 8
Rex the Wonder Dog (of Earth-1)
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Sy Barry
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Three bank robbers (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Martin (a photo shop owner; no further appearances)
While taking photographs in the street, Rex and Danny witness a bank robbery. Rex saves Danny from the wild shots and gets a picture of the shooters. When the film is developed only the crooks' backs are shown, which doesn't help the police. The crooks think that they may have been photographed, so they attempt to kidnap Rex. Rex turns the tables on them, knocking them out and getting a picture at the same time. The crooks are then turned over to police.
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