Batman #258
Batman #258
Cover Credits
Artist: Nicholas Peter Cardy

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Title: "Twenty-Ton Robbery"
Pages: 12

Batman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Don Cameron
Artist: Dick Sprang

Reprinted From:
Batman #26 (1944)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


The Cavalier assumes a new secret identity as Albert Foster. He then puts together a new gang and begins a crime spree. When he encounters Batman and Robin, the Cavalier is prepared by having children mob the Caped Crusader for his autograph. Cavalier is then able to escape with Robin as a prisoner.

When they reach the Cavalier's hide-out, Robin calls Batman on his belt-radio. The Cavalier then leaves Robin in a trap and waits for Batman to arrive. Robin warns Batman before he springs a trap that would kill them both.

Batman and Robin then find the Cavalier stealing a whale from a museum. Though the villain gets away with the whale, Batman has little trouble finding him. Batman finally brings Cavalier down and takes him to jail.

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