Batman #254
Batman #254
Cover Credits
Artist: Nicholas Peter Cardy

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Title: "The Son of the Joker"
Pages: 10

Batman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Bill Finger
Artist: Sheldon Moldoff

Reprinted From:
Batman #145 (1962)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Joker (imaginary appearance)
  • The Son of Joker and his gang (imaginary appearance)

Other Character(s)

  • Robin II (imaginary appearance)

This story contains an episode of Alfred's imaginary tales featuring an adult Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne, Jr. as Batman II and Robin II. The imaginary characters appear between the second story of Batman #135 and the first story of Batman #154. The events in Alred’s story are not part of continuity.

Alfred writes another story about the second Batman and Robin team. In his story Batman II and Robin II face off against the Son of the Joker who uses the Joker’s old tactics against the new team. They are lured into a trap by the Joker and his protégé, but the original Batman returns to thwart the schemes of both Jokers and set the heroes free.

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