Batman #59
Title: "The Man Who Replaced Batman"
Pages: 12
Batman (of Earth-2)
Writer: David Vern Reed
Penciller: Lew Sayre Schwartz
Inker: Charles Paris
Reprinted In:
Batman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 7 HC (2019)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Deadshot (of Earth-2; Floyd Lawton; no further appearances)
- Two jewel thieves (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Stevens (Lawton's butler; no further appearances)
While Batman is away on a brief vacation, a masked gunman named Deadshot takes Gotham City by storm. Deadshot helps police on several cases and earns the trust of Commissioner Gordon. When Batman returns he suspects that the new hero is not what he seems, but he is unable to discredit the man.
Batman and Robin use their detective skills to uncover Deadshot's secret identity, Floyd Lawton. They then follow Lawton and learn his plans to become a crime lord. They still have no proof, even after Deadshot threatens to kill Batman.
Batman decides to set a trap for Deadshot. He is lured to the pier alone with Batman. Deadshot then tries to kill the Caped Crusader, but seems to lose his nerve. Deadshot misses several shots before being apprehended. He then confesses to Gordon. Batman reveals that he altered the sights on Lawton's guns before the fight causing Deadshot to miss.
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