Batman #43
Batman #43
Cover Credits
Artist: Jim Mooney

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Title: "The Four Horsemen of Crime"
Pages: 13

Batman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Bill Finger
Artist: Jim Mooney

Reprinted In:
Batman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 5 HC (2018)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Mobsters disguised as Jesse James, John Dillinger, Captain Kidd, and Ghengis Khan (no further appearances)
  • Martin Bain and his men (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Two policemen (disguised as Kit Carson and John Paul Jones; no further appearances)

Four of history's greatest villains return and begin a series of crimes. The crooks appear to have been brought to the present via Professor Nichols's time-ray. Batman and Robin battle the crooks, but Ghengis Khan, John Dillinger, Captain Kidd, and Jesse James all manage to escape.

Batman managed to plant a transmitter inside a crate of stolen gold. The signal leads Batman to Nichols's house where he finds the crooks. He exposes them as phony mobsters led by crime boss Martin Bain. Bain himself is impersonating Nichols. Batman frees the real Nichols and apprehends the mobsters.

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