Detective Comics #119
Title: "The Runaway Robot"
Pages: 12
Boy Commandos (of Earth-2)
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Steve Brodie
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- A robot (no further appearances)
- Krug (disguised as Professor Peer; dies in this story; no further appearances)
Genius Professor Peer creates a robot computer. A crook named Krug kills Peer and modifies the robot for his own purposes. The robot becomes sentient and turns on Krug, killing him. The robot then runs through town creating a panic. The Boy Commandos catch the robot a couple of times, but it continues to escape. Eventually the robot climbs a tall building. When the Commandos attack it with planes, the robot grabs hold of one. Rip shakes it loose, causing the robot to fall to the streets below where it is smashed beyond repair.
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