Superman Archives Vol. 7 HC
Superman Archives Vol. 7 HC
Cover Credits
Artist: Fred Ray

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Title: "When Giants Meet"
Pages: 12

Superman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Don Cameron
Penciller: Ed Dobrotka
Inker: George Roussos

Reprinted From:
Superman #27 (1944)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Swede and Patrick "Paddy" Aloysius Cornelius Anthony Duggan (lumbermen; no further appearances)
  • Calder (an engineer; no further appearances)
  • Paul Bunyan and Babe (imaginary appearance)

Lois and Clark visit the forested north woods for a story. During a storm, the lumbermen tell a story of Superman meeting Paul Bunyan. Paul challenged the Man of Steel, and Superman proved himself even mightier than the famous lumberjack. Calder, an engineer who also hears the tale, claims that Bunyan and Superman are both fictional. When Superman rescue everyone from a fire though, Calder changes his mind.

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