World's Finest TPB
World's Finest TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Steve Rude

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Title: (Worlds at War)
Pages: 48

Superman (Post-Crisis)
Batman (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Dave Gibbons
Penciller: Steve Rude
Inker: Karl Kesel
Letterer: Bill Oakley
Colorist: Steve Oliff

Reprinted From:
World's Finest #3 (1990)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Adam Fulbright (last appearance in World's Finest #2; no further appearances)
  • Zackary Sikes and Annie Gray (last appearance in World's Finest #2; no further appearances)
  • Ms. Da Costa (Luthor's accountant; no further appearances)
  • Griff, Dawn, Jennifer, and Mel (newscasters; no further appearances)

This story is continued from World's Finest #2.

Crime rates in Metropolis and Gotham City both fall following the appearances of Superman and Batman in their opposing cities. However, when New Year's strikes, Luthor and the Joker wage assaults on one another. Luthor sets fires to the Joker's properties in Gotham, while Joker uses explosives to target Lexcorp properties in Metropolis.

Superman comes to Batman's aid in Gotham and assists in putting out the fires. They then head to Metropolis where Batman apprehends the Joker's henchmen and Superman averts the meltdown of Luthor's nuclear facility. With their actions, the two heroes avert total disaster, but the criminals behind the attacks remain at large.

Luthor and the Joker then meet to bury the hatchet. Each one returns to their own cities, vowing to keep out of the other's domain.

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