Justice League Europe #18
Justice League Europe #18
Cover Credits
Penciller: Bart Sears
Inker: Jose F. Marzan, Jr.

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Title: "The Happy Place"
Pages: 22

Justice League (Post-Crisis)

Plotter: Keith Giffen
Scripter: Gerard Jones
Penciller: Bart Sears
Inker: Randy Elliott
Letterer: Bob Lappan
Colorist: Eugene D'Angelo

Reprinted In:
Justice League International Omnibus Vol. 2 HC (2021)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Carny (the controller of a theme park; next appearance in Justice League Europe #19)
  • The robots of Wackyworld (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

The Extremist Vector Part Four

This story is continued from Justice League Europe #17 and continues in Justice League Europe #19.

The Justice League has been transported to another world by the Extremists. At first they believe it is the world from which the Extremists originated, but they soon discover an operational theme park. The employees of the park are all robots programmed for hospitality. The Silver Sorceress is held capture by Carny, the controller of the park. When the team refuses to enjoy the rides, the robots turn against them. They are nearly killed when the park and everything in it explodes.

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