Cover Credits |
Artist: Michael Bair |
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Comic Title: Young All-Stars #18
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: November 1988
On Sale Date:
July 12, 1988 Shipping Date July 12, 1988
Source: Direct Currents, #6
Shipping Date July 14, 1988
Source: Amazing Heroes, #144
Copyright Date July 12, 1988
Source: Library of Congress, Copyright Office 1988
Cover Price: $1.25
Page Count: 32
Editor: Roy Thomas
Story |
Title: "Thule"
Pages: 24
Young All-Stars
Writer: Roy Thomas
Writer: Danette Thomas
Penciller: Ron Harris
Inker: Malcolm Jones III
Letterer: Jean Simek (Izzo)
Colorist: Eugene D'Angelo
Feature Character(s)
- Young All-Stars (last appearance in Young All-Stars #17; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
- Dan the Dyna-Mite (last appearance in Young All-Stars #17; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
- Flying Fox (last appearance in Young All-Stars #17; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
- Fury (last appearance in Young All-Stars #17; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
- Iron Munro (last appearance in Young All-Stars #17; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
- Neptune Perkins (last appearance in Young All-Stars #17; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
- Tigress (last appearance in Young All-Stars #17; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
- Tsunami (last appearance in Young All-Stars #17; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
- Colonel Streicher (last appearance in Young All-Stars #17; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
- Dr. Thule (last appearance in Young All-Stars #17; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
- The Black Order (Ernst named; last appearance in Young All-Stars #16; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
Other Character(s)
- Arthur Gordon Pym (last appearance in Young All-Stars #17; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
- Kalla (last appearance in Young All-Stars #17; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
- Victor Frankenstein the Second (next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
- The Dzyan (last appearance in Young All-Stars #16; next appearance in Young All-Stars #19)
Cameo Appearance(s)
- Adolf Hitler (mentioned by Thule)
The Dzyan Inheritance Part Three of Four
This story takes place on June 1, 1942.
This story is continued from Young All-Stars #17 and continues in Young All-Stars #19.
After Kalla betrays Neptune Perkins to the Nazis of the Black Order, she is shot by Colonel Streicher and her body is thrown into the ocean. Streicher and Dr. Thule then begins torturing Neptune in order to get Arthur Gordon Pym to give up the secrets of the Dzyan's power source known as Vril. Unwilling to wait for Pym to break, Thule steps into a cylinder filled with Vril and becomes overpowered by it.
Meanwhile the Young All-Stars have followed Neptune to the arctic. When they land, they are attacked and overcome by the Dzyan who now are under the control of Thule and his Vril powers. Elsewhere, Kalla has survived being shot by Streicher. She washes up on a nearby iceberg where she is found by a monstrous looking man named Victor Frankenstein the Second.
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