Superman #48
Superman #48
Cover Credits
Penciller: Kerry Gammill
Inker: Bob McLeod

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Title: "The Sinbad Contract Part One"
Pages: 22

Superman (Post-Crisis)

Writer: William Messner-Loebs
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Dennis Janke
Letterer: Bill Oakley
Colorist: Glenn Whitmore

Reprinted In:
Superman:The Power Within TPB (2015)

Feature Character(s)

Guest Star(s)


Other Character(s)

This story continues in Adventures of Superman #471.

Davood Nassur, a teenage Quraci immigrant, has developed meta-human powers following the detonation of the gene-bomb. He can levitate a few inches off the ground and deflect small objects. His sister Soraya works at LexCorp. One evening while Davood is delivering food to his sister, a dying man approaches them carrying a package. Armored flying men are in pursuit. The men chase Davood and his sister back into the building.

Inside, Davood opens the package and finds a belt inside. He puts on the belt. The armored men attack again and fire on Davood. He is able to deflect the bullets and escape into the air. Superman arrives on the scene to stop the men. Davood mistrusts Superman because of his actions in Qurac. He and his sister flee.

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